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Friday, 21 October 2011

Where are all the posts????

What a week!!! It has been full on, and then some. From a climate point of view it has been a windy week. The wind has howled each day whipping up the waves and making white caps. The sea has even looked uninviting, well, for the sea here. And, the fishing has been off!!! We have not eaten fish all week! In desperation tonight I defrosted some thai fish cakes I had in the freezer!!! Oh I miss the Meringandan pub. I am soooo looking forward to a night where I don't have to create a meal.

SO, I think the wind has also made everyone restless. We have been either dead quiet or crazy busy with whole families coming in with illness that needs treating. And remember, families here are not Mum, Dad and 2.1 kids!!!! So it takes a while. Last night we had 2 call outs, one at 8pm and then another at 2am. The paperwork trail and time consuming tasks involved in each visit meant we got into bed again at 4am. It was hard to go back to sleep with a variety of issues flitting around in my brain. Today, it was hard to pronounce some of the more intricate medications we have to dispense.

This week we have had Bec come to visit. She is a 3rd year nursing student who has come for a visit with us, to see what we do out here. Its lovely to have another person to chat with. I worry that we both just went "BLAH" when she first arrived and offloaded our first 5 weeks here. It must have been quite intense for her. But she is made of tough stuff and is a pleasure to have here, especially when she encourages the kids to clean up before we come home!!

Tomorrow, after all the recalls are done, I will take my camera out for a walk. I am going to do some gardening as well as the front of the clinic house is all over grown and over the past week I have gathered a few things to plant, 4 coconut palms and some frangipani trees. The cleaner at work has suggested I use bamboo leaves for mulch so we will gather some of that too. Its nice to be able to garden and throw my mind into something different that reminds me of home. Yawo!

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